FileSure Technical Resources for MSPs

Welcome to the technical guide for implementing FileSure as part of your MSP offerings.
This resource outlines the tools, configurations, and workflows needed to deploy and manage FileSure effectively.

Understanding the Relationship Between Rules and Alerts

FileSure’s power lies in its seamless integration of rules and alerts, working together to provide robust file monitoring and protection while maintaining system performance. Here’s how they interact:

Rules: Defining FileSure’s Behavior

Rules are the foundation of how FileSure interacts with files on a system. They specify what activities to audit or block, ensuring that all relevant file events are captured. For example:

    • Audit Rules track actions like file reads, writes, or deletions for specific file types or locations.
    • Block (Deny) Rules prevent unauthorized actions, such as blocking USB write operations or unauthorized file modifications.

When a rule is triggered by file activity, the details of that event are recorded. To avoid impacting system performance, FileSure consolidates these events in the background and stores them in the FileSure logs. This approach ensures real-time operations remain unaffected.

Alerts: Acting on Consolidated Data

Alerts are designed to monitor and react to patterns or specific conditions detected within the FileSure logs. After the background consolidation phase, alerts are applied to the logged data to identify and flag noteworthy events. For instance:

    • A bulk copy alert can detect if more than 100 files are copied within an hour.
    • A phish malware alert can flag instances where potentially harmful files are accessed.

Alerts provide a higher-level view by summarizing significant activities and triggering notifications that can be integrated with your Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) system.

The Workflow in Action

  1. Activity Occurs: A user interacts with files, triggering rules set up in FileSure.
  2. Event Logging: FileSure records the activity and consolidates it in the logs without impacting performance.
  3. Alert Evaluation: Once the logs are consolidated, configured alerts analyze the data and trigger notifications if their conditions are met.

By separating the processes of rule enforcement and alert evaluation, FileSure ensures optimal performance while delivering actionable insights to MSPs. This design allows you to focus on what matters most—protecting your clients' data and responding swiftly to critical events.

Implementation Flow

The following steps describe how to configure and deploy FileSure on client endpoints:

Step 1: Create a JSON Configuration File

    • Define your rules and alerts with shortcodes.  Then add necessary overrides in a structured JSON file for alerts.

    • Example JSON:

      Simple example:
        "Rules": [
        "Alerts": [
           "Id": "BULKCOPY",
            "id": "FOLDERMOVES"
            "id": "USBWRITES"
            "id": "WEBACCESSED"

Here is a list of fields that can be overridden:

        • AgeInMinutes - integer
        • SQL - string
        • Threshold- integer
        • Body - string
        • Timeout - integer
        • EventId - integer

An example with alert overrides:

  "Rules": [
  "Alerts": [
      "Id": "BULKCOPY",
      "Body": "<%username%> has copied <%count%> files within <%AgeInMinutes%> minutes",
      "id": "FOLDERMOVES"
      "id": "USBWRITES"
      "id": "WEBACCESSED",
      "SQL": "Select 1, * from AuditRecords where eventTime > OldestRecordAge and ((lower(exeName) = 'edge.exe' or lower(exeName) = 'firefox.exe' or lower(exeName) = 'chrome.exe') and deniedOp = 0)",
      "Body": "<%username%> accessed <%filename%> with <%exeName%>"

When defining the 'Body', you can use 'Merge Fields' that are enclosed with '<%' and '%>' like: <%fileName%>. The variables you can use are the fields returned by the 'SQL' statement and a few default ones.

Here are the default ones:

          • AGEINMINUTES - from the alert definition.

          • THRESHOLD - from the alert definition.
          • KEYNAME - from the alert definition.
          • QUERYNAME - from the alert definition.
          • QUERYSQL - from the alert definition.
          • COUNT - the first column from the SQL select.

Here are the AuditRecords fields (some fields are only populated for some operations) 

Column name Type Description
orderNo Integer Internal index
eventTime Integer Number of seconds since 1/1/1970
fileName Text Full file or folder path
userName Text User in domain\username format
operationName Text Friendly name of file operation
majorFunction Integer File operation by number
readAccess Integer 1 for read access requested; only valid for open/creates operations (when MajorFunction is 0)
writeAccess Integer 1 for write access requested; only valid for open/creates operations (when MajorFunction is 0)
deleteAccess Integer 1 for delete access requested; only valid for open/creates operations (when MajorFunction is 0)
renameTo Text For rename operations, this is the path of the renamed to file. Only valid for rename operations (when MajorFunction is 6)
machineName Text Name of the computer on which the event was generated
deniedOp Integer 1 if the operation was denied
isDirectory Integer 1 if the file name is a folder
wasCreated Integer 1 if the file was created
exePath Text The full path of the executable that being used to access the file. If the access was remote this will be blank.
driveType Integer Type of drive where the file was located
extension Text The extension of the file
exeName Text The name of the executable (no path)
wasRedirected Integer 1 if the file operation was redirected
redirectedTo Text Path where the operation was redirected to
operationContext Integer 1 if operation was a move (when MajorFunction is 6)
alertID Integer Alert ID of the matching rule

Step 2: Generate a Registry File

  • Use the JsonToConfig.exe command-line tool to convert your JSON file into a registry (.reg) file.

    • JsonToConfig config.json 
         Description: takes a configuration JSON file and builds a FileSure configuration and saves it to the output file
      Example: JsonToConfig 4x4.json 4x4.reg
    • JsonToConfig config.json
         Description: takes a configuration JSON file, builds a FileSure configuration and outputs it to the screen
      Example: JsonToConfig 4x4.json 
    • JsonToConfig  config.json [PathToOutputFile] -apply
         Description: takes a configuration JSON file, builds a FileSure configuration and applies it to the registry.
             requires Administrator access
             PathToOutputFile is optional
      Example: JsonToConfig 4x4.json -apply

Step 3: Apply the Registry File

    • Deploy the registry file to the target endpoint using any RMM tool or manual installation.

    • Example:

      regedit.exe /s rules.reg

Step 4: Reload Rules on the Endpoint

    • Use the reloadrules.exe tool to apply the new configuration immediately.

    • Example:


Step 5: Verify Deployment

    • Use the FileSure LogViewer or other provided tools to ensure rules and alerts are active.

    • Confirm alerts and logs are integrated into your RMM system.

Provided Tools

  • Installed as part of the MSPBundle.exe
    • JsonToConfig.exe: Converts JSON configuration files to registry files for deployment.

  • Installed as part of the FileSure endpoint agent (FileSureMSP.msi)
    • ApplyLic.exe: Command line tool to apply a license. 
    • ReloadRules.exe: Signals FileSure to reload its rules and apply any changes.

    • LogViewer.exe: A graphical tool for viewing and analyzing logs generated by FileSure.

    • RuleMonitor.exe: A graphical tool for monitoring, viewing and troubleshooting installed FileSure rules.

Integration with RMM Systems

FileSure logs all events (e.g., rule triggers, blocked actions) in the FileSure Audit log.  Configured alerts run on every consolidation pass and if they pass the threshold, write to the Windows Event Log. Most RMM systems can:

  • Monitor Specific Event IDs: Set up notifications for critical events.

  • Automate Responses: Trigger scripts or alerts based on FileSure events.

  • Remote Investigation: Use LogViewer or similar tools to diagnose issues and refine rules.

Next Steps

  1. Create your JSON configuration file.

  2. Use the provided tools to deploy and test FileSure on client endpoints.

  3. Monitor logs and adjust configurations as needed.

Get Started Today

  • Take FileSure for a spin with our free 21-day trial.
  • Install it on any RMM-monitored machine, simulate a file event,
  • See real-time results through your event log.