Getting Started with is EASY!

  1. Register an email to get reports and alerts.
  2. Use the Installer on all your computers.

That's it!

Now, you'll get an email alert when:

  • Users copy files to a USB drive

And everyday you'll get email reports for:

  • Moved or deleted files and folders
  • Data Loss Report: Access by non-default applications
  • Files written to a removable drive
  • Connect/Lock report
  • Files copied
  • Files possibly sent with web mail

Don't like these defaults? You can change 'em!

Easy Configuration.


Mobile Alerts and Reports.

Get protected in minutes...

System Requirements
•OS Support: Windows 7 or newer/Windows Server 2008 R2 X64 (fully patched) or newer.
•X86 and X64 CPUs Supported.
•Microsoft .Net Framework V4.6 and newer.

Get FileSure.Cloud :

  • $5 user/ month
  • $10 server /month

Start Free Trial Now!

FileSure Defend vs. FileSure Cloud

FileSure Defend and FileSure Cloud run the same engine and both enforce their rules the same way.

The main difference is that FileSure Defend uses on-premise local server and local console, while FileSure Cloud utilizes a cloud server and a web based console.

FileSure Defend is robust, flexible, and customizable and requires knowledgeable staff to manage, while FileSure Cloud is designed to fit the general needs of most small businesses and is easier to deploy and use.

FileSure Cloud is:

  • A cloud service that replaces the (local) centralized computer.
  • Easy to setup and use with rules, alerts and scheduled reports all predefined. You simply select the ones you want.
  • For example, rules target Microsoft Office™ files, PDF documents, and Data loss prevention such as:
    • Copying files to USB
    • File sharing services like Dropbox and Google Drive
    • Prevent Office files from being sent via webmail
    • Ransomware protection
  • Installed on each workstation (silent install is supported). Workstations must have internet access.
  • Ideally suited for small companies lacking IT knowledge/staff and companies that don’t need the great flexibility that FileSure Defend offers.
  • Subscription priced at $5 per user and $10 per monitored server per month

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